
Showing posts from 2013

Burn for scents

Clutter counter

Festivus season

Inspiration in stores

Paint something #1

A place for the mess

New look, new attitude?

Life happens, that's what

As Promised...

Thinking of breaking up with my custom coffee table... but wait!

Okay, OKAY. I'm back.

Happy Birthday, Canada... and other long weekend plans

List follow-up

Clutter be-gone!

Cash-flow in un-expecting places

HGTV oh now I love you, let me count the ways

Slow moving steam ship

So much DIY so little time!

My long weekend project has me so excited... I can't hide it

Taste of Calcutta

One of the most amazing DIY ideas...

Big tiles = Big problem

Dumpster Diving shout-out!

Thought of today...

A place to put your drinks...

Frugal 101