A place for the mess

I am finally getting a room for my messy messy projects (all of them)!

Now everything will be able to get done in a well organized messy room. This way things won't go missing when the cleaning fairy comes over...

All I need now is a place for tool storage adjacent to the mess room and a balcony for cutting everything... improbable... damn.

So, update on projects;

The dining chairs had a bit of a reno in how the fabric is adhered.... but they are still not done because they need trim at this point. Hopefully that will be soon...

The hammock is on hold until next summer (duh!)...

Uhhh I can't remember anymore. So, moving on to new projects!
New projects are not allowed to cost me any money at all.
All projects will be done with the tools and materials on hand.

My coffee tables needs to make way for a large ottoman which needs to get out of my mess room because it takes up space. You remember my coffee table? It's one of my first few posts.... So! The bottom will become an ottoman / seat for the front are for putting on shoes (and extra seating if people come by), and the top will become a tabletop for my new mess room (legs will be some old Ikea legs I had hanging around from my dining table (first draft).

Now let's just hope everything gets done in a timely manor... It's my cousin's Big Fat Greek Wedding this weekend, and there is much excitement encircling that!


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