Slow moving steam ship

Things are moving slow as far as my frugality goes.
Not that I'm out of ideas (that never happens!), just that my body refuses to co-operate.

In the last week I have had heat exhaustion, and I have broken my toe.
In the last week I have completed a macrame knot for the hammock and a slow-cooked dinner.

Anyway here is the macrame, I'm pretty proud of it!
Now... so that no one else has to go through the pain and suffering I did trying to figure out what the frugality it was called and where on this frugal earth to find a simple drawing or images of how to do this stupidity I will explain it in the following;

This is called a "clew knot" it is macrame. If you want to look it up look up "clew knot"... don't look up "hammock braid" like I did.... It is horribly frustrating!
This is what I first came up with....
I don't know about you guys but I HATE e-how. They tend to be the only ones with information but no images of what you are doing and a very very wordy explanation which really doesn't make any sense...
After searching some stuff about "macrame" I got my answer...

Here's my simple explanation of this "knot".... It's a bloody WEAVE! Forward and backward. Over and under. If someone just said that to me I could have figured it out on my own!

That's my rant for the day... Cheers.


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