Thought of today...

No, my thoughts will more than likely not be daily so don't get your hopes up.

There are those people *aherm* me *aherm* who are artists therefore are messy - these traits go hand in hand. I often think about my professional desk at work... out in the open... a mess staring people in the face. This probably isn't the vibe I should be giving off in my line of work. 
However in case you have seen my desk and stumble onto this blog you might now understand... but for those that won't stumble onto this blog for an explanation, I would like to show some DIY organization!

Now, Pinterest is my addiction (much like most other people) and I often browse around for ideas. Sometimes I find the perfect idea and sometimes I stumble upon something that inspires me. Today, I was inspired...

I would like to make a shout-out to another website; What a great site! I also often visit this site if I have an Ikea piece that needs new life - whether it be a re-purpose or a re-fresh.
I came across someone who had re-purposed Ikea's Mandal headboard (see link)  as office storage. 
I love this for my home office in between my desk and my boyfriend's desk! Then of course I do my check of cost at Ikea... $199.00 (US dollars). What?! The piece is literally metal strapping, some one by ones and a few cheapo shelves!.................................. Yup, I can make that.

And so it starts...


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