Cash-flow in un-expecting places

So here's a bit of a cliche...
One man's trash is another man's treasure.

In relation to the new HGTV show I noted a few days ago, the statement rings true.
((I may have missed the first episode of the tv show I was so excited to watch because I was out-doors like the old person that I am))

I may not have flipped any furniture recently, but you have witnessed some of my trash to treasure incredible[ness] in my past posts. In addition to flipping furniture to make a profit, you can also opt to sell a piece rather than put it out at the road. This was a lesson that was greatly learned this weekend.

I personally love the new[er] classified site, you can sell and buy nearly anything.
I have had great luck on this site... and I will share my tips and thoughts;
- Sell furniture between May and June... People are snapping things up QUICK.
- DO NOT try to sell furniture in the fall... people will talk you down in price until there is nothing left.
- Pictures are free, so make sure to put up a whole lot... include details and any damages.
- Be up-front with any issues with the piece. People will always view first and either talk you down in price or waste your time.
- Look at other listed prices before listing yours. Sometimes what you think is fair isn't fair as far as the market goes (just like with a house).

Just last week I listed my queen size bedroom set, and by boyfriend's queen size bedroom set... When it comes to these items you need to be fair in price. What I saw on Kijiji were a lot of listings for 20+ year old furniture for a minimum of $350. Now, just because you paid a certain amount for something doesn't mean it will also be bought for a high price. You need to look at what's popular at the time, and if your item isn't popular maybe you should re-think selling it at this time.
We, luckily, just wanted things gone so I put a slightly lower price than everything else that was out there and put a line of "cheapest price you will find" and I got calls the same day for both.

I also listed an antique piece... inside I want to refinish everything but sometimes you need to realize it's not feasible whether it be because of space or because of time (and both were an issue for me).
The piece was nice but falling apart. I made sure to highlight some original hardware and dovetail joints and it was picked up for the asking price in a day or two.
This is the piece the boyfriend wanted put out at the curb, and instead we made money we didn't expect (which is always exciting; like winning money).

Now I'm going to go on a spree putting everything up we just don't need... How exciting!


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