
I have waited about a year an a half for a bed my boyfriend and I had fallen in love with a while back at Ikea. It just kept reducing in price, and finally we decided to drive out and get it.

Honestly, I am at one of my happiest moments when I am building Ikea furniture.
I don't understand people that get mad and frustrated and all pissed about it. I have a wonderful day!

((Yes, I will come over and build your Ikea furniture.... however, it will cost you.))

I spent my entire evening yesterday building this new - overly anticipated bed.
I just had to instagram that shit. (thanks to my friends for making me hipster with instagram - you know who you are)

Here are my shots;

Who knows where this is from???

The parts!!!

I need to hold this bracket in place while I screw it... Seems legit.


My room is essentially too small to take a good shot, so here is Ikea's photo of what it looks like;

Only problem is that now there are legs at the end of the bed.... I think I broke my toe (ran into it 3 times so far) and gave my knee a good bone bruise.

But I love it! *glutton for punishment*


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