Making progress

First off... I want to say that I have been flooded with help for my bathroom floor. I want to thank everyone for offering - it may just get done this weekend!

Second... I have made some serious progress on the craft room!
I decided not to take any photos yet since there is still stuff everywhere, but they will come soon.
I found that most rooms are not laid out well, as far as wall space goes. Even worse, I had an obstruction to work around for the old chimney (a good 15" x 12").
It looks as if everything has fallen into place thanks to the mechanical mind of my boyfriend, and my interior design training which reminds me that putting something against a wall exclusively isn't always the best option.

What's the frugal part of this plan? I'm not buying those extra bookcases like I first planned; cleaning out the basement meant I found some mismatched bookcases for my storage - and since I am snuggling all of these up against two walls we are keeping it safe.

Here's the thing to remember - Old things can always be painted to look like new... And if you don't want to do that, well, have a look in the classifieds.
The classifieds are simply the best way to be frugal. I found a coffee table, and two end tables for $15 bucks a while back for my Mom. The glass top was broken on one side table so I had two pieces of granite tile cut down and polished on the sides (tip: most tile/granite stores have extra granite tiles laying around - you can usually buy them for very cheap). This coffee table also had a water stain on the wood and I found simply one of the very best things I had ever found on Pinterest, here's the link -
This link shows removing stains with a white towel laying on top of the stain and ironing slowly over it - comes right out! Apparently you can use mayo as well... never tried that one though...

Don't throw things out simply because of a stain! Always consult Pinterest first!


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