Thinking it through

I have worked in flooring for three years, and the way some people decide to do things still baffles me.

The first thing I seem to encounter a lot is that they think they can do it themselves... Ya sure, sounds easy enough, but to do it right is a different story. The internet can only take you so far!
I like to tell people about my fireplace fiasco. See it here

Another thing I seem to run into once in a while are businesses who have an idea of what they want. So they build parts of it, and then wonder what to do to finish it.
I recently learned about this staircase where the owners spent a lot of money to set them up to look how they wanted, and now I'm telling them it won't work within the building code.
I keep hearing about "do you know how much money we spent" and "it took so much work", but you have to come to the conclusion at some point that maybe you should have thought it through a little better with a professional before you made your decision.

Think through your ideas thoroughly! Think of the possible things that can go wrong, and save yourself some headaches.

Your local flooring professionals should be able to offer you some advice on tile, granite, hardwood, and alike. For other questions, ask them for referrals. Flooring stores deal with electricians, contractors, and plumbers quite often, and in turn these professionals can point you towards others in other fields. Next thing you know, you can network around your area and touch on all your questions.

However, if you do plan on doing work yourself, try finding someone who has done it as well - an amateur - they help too. Sometimes professionals push you to use them, and if you just don't have the money you get in a bind. Other amateurs will stay level with you.

I'm open to any questions anyone might have, just post a comment!


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