Kijiji and Craigslist - part II

So. I had successfully talked down the buyer to $15 for the tables. I didn't get that answer until yesterday evening...

I made a decision to wait to see if I could grab a truck to pick up the items for the next day.

The deal was in place.

Problem is, people don't exactly have honour on Kijiji. Well, people don't exactly have honour in general.

I lost the tables this morning to a full  price bid.

The moral of the story for the buyer? Don't wait to pick something up if you can help it.

The moral for the seller - When you receive a second bid, allow your first bidder to parry or honour your first deal.

Oh well, other tables will come along. Maybe even some that aren't nearly as damaged.
My boyfriend and I had bought a set for my mother (coffee table, two end tables) for $15 because there was a water stain on the wood..... my secret skill? I know how to remove those!

Still looking...


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