Marriage, house, baby

I've been busy the last couple of years... as you can all imagine since my last post was in 2015...

A quick summary of the past few years;

  • Chris and I got married in October 2016, a lot of planning and some DIY (of course) went into that 
  • We bought a house in August 2017 after fighting with a horrible housing market - more to come on that story
  • Baby Gavin was welcomed into the world on July 4th 2018, which has been equally wonderful and a struggle
I hope you've missed my posts as much as I have missed sharing my DIY ideas! I definitely haven't stopped... 

Here's some highlights year by year;

  • why are weddings so expensive?
  • my plan was to choose the most important aspects of the wedding to spend the most money on
  • I went a little over budget
  • spent a total of $10,000 on the wedding and broke even at the end of the day 
  • family is wonderful and I wouldn't change them for the world
  • some family from Argentina even came for my wedding, which was amazing
  • we had a honeymoon in the Dominican Republic
  • yay married... finally!
  • our city's average house price increased from 150,000 to 200,000 right when we needed to buy
  • we put offers in on a total of 8 houses 
  • we fired our realtor halfway through
  • we started to feel as if we wouldn't be able to afford a house
  • every winning offer was over asking price
  • most offers had to be cash deals
  • we won our house by $200... seriously.
  • my pregnancy was wonderful, no sickness in the first trimester 
  • most of the time I didn't feel much different, just annoyed that I was clumsy and the bump kept getting in the way
  • I got real sick of people telling me what to expect and how I need to get sleep now - thanks, like I'm not stressed enough as it is!
  • I continued going to the gym three days a week until about 36 weeks
  • my version of nesting was DIY
  • I painted the baby's room
  • built baby furniture
  • Made a firepit... bad idea, that one gave me some braxton hicks contractions - don't life heavy stones while 8 months pregnant
  • built a garden box and trellis
  • made a medicine cabinet
  • framed my canvas indigo world 
  • build some ikea furniture
  • painted and stained ikea furniture
  • painted the kitchen and laundry room
  • moved around the living room
  • ... I think that's it ...
I'll slowly start getting all my photos and DIYs here. Everyone hope will my son to take some good long naps and go to bed on time so that I can get more on here!!


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